Sunday, November 30, 2008

the perfect weather conditions for a picnic

And again we had a spring picnic in Wilton Otari Bush. Last year the weather was perfect but yesterday it was maybe even better. Imgaine how summer will be!!
We welcomed four new families of which one arrived 5 days ago and we are already looking forward to the next meet up because we know that there are new migrant arriving within the next couple of weeks.
December will be busy with all kind of Christmas functions so probably at the end of January will be the next meet up.


Hilly and Marco


Unknown said...

Great day, thanks for organizing - Scotty

Anonymous said...

Thanks for organising this picnic -- it was the perfect Saturday afternoon!


Anonymous said...

Is the picnic only for the British people or anybody can come and join? We are not British, but hoping to move to Welly in about 6 months. Thanks.

SuperstarMissPiggy said...

Loved the whole day out in the sun :-) more of that please ....